Many Nanny Agencies in the Orange County area offer a variety of domestic services for both childcare and non-childcare needs. In terms of childcare, agencies will often offer a variety of services ranging from back-up childcare to long term placements and everything in between (Summertime nanny, date nights, special events, etc.). While, child care remains the most prevalent and commonly offered service by such agencies, many families also look to their local nanny agency in Orange County for assistance in staffing other domestic needs for positions such as housekeepers, household assistants/managers, personal assistance, and caregivers to name a few.
Regardless of the kind of service you are seeking from an agency, you can rest assured that a reputable agency will provide you candidates that have been pre-screened. This includes, but is not limited to, ensuring the candidate has at least 2 to 5 years of relevant professional experience, speaking with past employers to check references and verify employment history, check to ensure any credentials the candidate sites are current and in good standing, and finally ensuring that appropriate background checks have been run.
Nannies that work temporary/short-term jobs for agencies should have a “nanny professional” appearance, be on-time (they should arrive early), reliable, and able to provide your children with fun, creative and imaginative things to do other than watching TV or playing video games. In terms of long term placements, you should expect that the agency will assist in putting together a Work Agreement, provide guidance on what job duties should be, ensure that the candidates that you interview have the kind of demeanor and skill set that will work well with your family, and finally should be an ongoing resource in helping you and your nanny maintain a good working relationship.
To find out more about what to expect from a Nanny Agency in Orange County, please give Crunch Care in Orange County a call at (949) 415-7340, or email us at