Understand why it is important today to make time for you. As a mother, girl boss, someone trying to have a relationship, be a good daughter, and be a good friend all at the same time, when is the time for my healing, recovery, and peace?
Sheel Seidler, a good friend, client, mother, businesswoman and Guru shares with us the impact Kundalini Yoga has had on her life. Through my own personal journey of trying to care for myself the discovery of meditation and breath work has had an impact on my life I thought I could share with our audience. Please take the time to read this blog, watch the video, and see what this experience can do for you.
Kundalini with Sheel is offering our audience a discounted rate of $26 per month for an unlimited membership heavily discounted from the normal rate of $44 per month. Take advantage of this offer after watching the video and reading the blog.
When I transitioned away from working as an attorney during my pregnancy, my mind was not ready for a simpler life, they way my heart was. My mind was racing, seeking to do lists, ways to make my life more efficient, and looking to the ends of the Internet for where the best parenting and nursing classes were. And then I started researching meditation.
Mind you, researching, not practicing. I organized my tabs and bookmark on the subject. It calmed me. It was enough to just think about the act, and surely reading about it was the same as doing it. After all, I “get” things pretty easily. I always have
It wasn’t until my daughter arrived, and after failing at nursing and surrendering to pumping breast milk full time, that I looked back over my notes about meditation, and in particular Kundalini. I was drawn to the idea of breathwork. Something in me knew my diaphragm was so tense with anxiety, and that I couldn’t actually breathe below it into my belly. I just wanted to take a breath. And enjoy this beautiful moment in my life. Nuzzle my baby’s head and coo. Not be so anxious and looking for important thoughts to latch my mind onto.
The Kundalini practices I pulled up were 3-11 minutes of holding a pose and breathing or chanting. They were hard to do. And I needed that intensity to match the intensity of of brainpower conditioned by years of education and a high pressure job. Just watching the breath come in and out of my nose as was suggested in some other forms of meditation, was too weak for where my head was at. Kundalini was the only practice that ironed out the anxiety reliably and consistently.
I have been practicing and teaching kundalini now for years, and what I now marvel at about this moment in time, is that I was diving into deep meditations without any warm ups or the benefit of a group which makes longer meditations seem shorter. What was it about this time, home alone with my baby, mind racing, that made it so easy to surrender to a deep meditative state? Necessity.
Hooked up to a breast pump, my darling daughter next to me, and in this space for pretty much half of my day, unable to really move–I welcomed the powerful breathing called Breath of Fire and the mantras that gave my restless energy a channel to go.
Whether you are pregnant, home with a newborn, or in the workplace trying to find balance as a working Mom–guess what? This is the perfect time to dive into a kundalini practice. You may find you will enjoy this beautiful moment of cocooning with your baby on a whole new level, just like I did.
Sat nam.
Sheel Seidler