With the summer quickly approaching, families are staring to think about what their children will be doing once school is out.  Many families will of course enroll their children in some sort of summer day camp, or sleep away camp, but often many of these camps do not cover parents for the entire summer.  Whether it be for a few days, or a week here and there, many families still find themselves struggling for coverage at some point during the summer.  Further, many of our clients have expressed disappointment in what most summer camps offer in the way of curriculum, or rather the lack of one.

So, what is the solution?  Many of our clients have opted for a summertime nanny here in Orange County.  Having a nanny for the summer allows parents a great deal more freedom and flexibility.  Often clients will still enroll their children in certain summertime activities/camps, but will also enlist the services of a nanny.  Many of our clients enjoy using our nannies for the summer.  They help mom and dad get the children from activity to activity, and can help to manage many of the household chores (grocery shopping, errands, meal preparation, laundry, light housekeeping, etc.) along the way, and in-between various activities.

Most importantly for many of our clients, they are able to enlist the nanny’s help in administering some kind of summertime curriculum including subjects such as grammar, math, history, faith/religion, etc.  Parents have the opportunity to be an active participant in crafting what their children will be focusing on over the summer, something they are often unable to do during the school year.  This is something that is highly appealing to many of our clients.

Often a summertime nanny in Orange County is a teacher as they are also out for the school year, and many like do so something outside of the classroom during the summer.  Even if the nanny does not have classroom teaching experience, may college students are also looking for summertime work and are more than capable of helping to put together a summer time curriculum.  As an added bonus, many of these summer nannies have some great ideas and insights as to various activities and/or field trips that can be both fun and educational.

As you start to think about what your children will be doing over the summer, we would strongly recommend looking into a summertime nanny here in Orange County.  For further information, please contact our Crunch Care Orange County office directly at (949) 415-7350.

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