Are you looking for a way to reduce the stress in your life? If you are a parent, then the answer to that question is most certainly a YES! I think we are all looking for ways to help reduce the stress that we face everyday… Our favorite board certified nutritionist and health coach, Nichole Lowe at Create Total Wellness, will be having a workshop for Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction on Saturday, July 19th and Sunday, July 20th.
This powerful and transformational series on Mindfulness is designed for women of all ages looking to reduce stress, improve mind-body health, create a sense of calmness and focus to overwhelming situations, recognize feelings and emotions to keep them under control, and get more enjoyment out of life.
Weekend Wellness Highlights:
- Morning Mindful Yoga
- MBSR Training includes: The art of mindful eating, Developing a calm and clear mind, Living in the Present Moment; Working with Emotions in Physical Pain, stress, anxiety and grief; Getting to know your Mind Traps; Cultivating Presence
- Body awareness meditations, group activities, and self reflection exercises
- Meditation wilderness hike
- Raw Food, juicing, and organic meals provided
Location: Temple of Light Spiritual Community Centre, 11 Goddard Irvine, CA 92618 & Thomas F. Riley Wilderness Park 30952 Oso Parkway Coto De Caza, CA 92679
Schedule: Saturday 7/19 8:00am – 3:00pm & Sunday 7/20 8:00am – 12noon
Cost: $350 or Early Registration $295 (register on or before July 1st 2014)
MBSR is a form of complementary medicine which is clinically proven to improve mind-body health and address a variety of health problems, most of which stem from stress. Some of these illnesses include depression, anxiety, eating disorders, digestive disorders, insomnia, chronic pain, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, fibromyalgia, arthritis, ADHD, cancer, and heart disease. Each topic and exercise will help you develop skills and tools for managing stress, increasing positive emotions, and creating a successful life.